Alexander Voronkov

Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012

Alexander Voronkov /Aлександр воронков was born in Barnaul, Altai Territory in 1961 and graduated from Ryazan Art School. He then worked as a scenery artist in a theatre. In 1984 he entered the Surikov Higher Art School of Moscow. He then worked in the studio-school of Tair Salakhov, Moscow. At this stage in his career his creative talent is developing in two directions, that of 'ideal-realism' in historical painting, stirred by his interest in and devotion to his motherland's history and that of legendary-mythological subjects, 'The Nile Legend', 'Leda & Swan' & 'The Siren'.
Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia. Gold Medal TCS Russia and the Silver Medal of Arts. State prize laureate in literature and arts for 2007.
The works are: in the Ryazan regional art museum it. IP Pozhalostina,
Lapping of the state historical-architectural and art museum-reserve, the Museum of the Moscow Institute of Architecture, Kostroma State Museum

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