Bronnikov Fedor Andreevich/ 1827 - 1902

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Bronnikov Fedor Andreevich
827 - 1902), was born in Shadrinsk. Drawing and painting Bronnikov studied under the guidance of his father's old icon painter, and the Academy of Fine Arts under the guidance of Markov. In 1851, Mr.. received silver medals: for small portraits from life, and more - for "The Return of Ulysses to his house". The following year, won the second gold medal for the program now "Sermon of St. John the Baptist in the wilderness"; in 1853, Mr.. - A gold medal for the program now, the Virgin of Sorrowful ". In 1854, Mr.. went a pensioner of the Academy in Rome. In 1863, Mr.. was recognized as a professor of historical painting for the painting: "Horace reads his satire Maecenas". Before 1881. Bronnikov has exhibited his paintings at academic exhibitions, and from this year - at exhibitions Wanderers. The Museum of Alexander III there are pictures of Bronnikova Christians before his death "and" Street Italian town, in the Tretyakov Gallery: "Spiritual Procession in Italy," "Hymn to the Pythagoreans the rising sun", "Curse of the field," "Blessing of Hermes."

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