Mark Eliot LOVETT

Senin, 16 September 2013

Mark Eliot LOVETT
Born and raised in Maryland, Mark began playing guitar and singing professionally at the age of 14 and continued doing so into his thirties. His passion for visual arts did not take root until early mid-life, when he discovered his interest in visual arts. After struggling for years with alcohol and drugs, Mark discovered that his passion for art helped the healing process in recovery,  which led to a spiritual connection to every painting he creates. While Mark’s music can still be heard on his website or in infrequent live performances, his band and Vintage Guitar business became avocations, while art became his vocation and passion.
Mark, a graduate of the University of Maryland, studied figurative and portrait painting at Nelson Shanks’ Studio Incamminati in Pennsylvania, The Art League School in Alexandria, VA., and he attended several master artist workshops throughout the country, honing his skills depicting human form and painting live models regularly.
Mark loves the old masters, and has spent a great deal of time studying their work at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC,  the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence Italy.   In addition to viewing the paintings carefully in person,  Mark photographed the paintings on display in these galleries and maintains a high res photo gallery of all his favorite master’s work on his computer for reference.

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