Emile Chambon / Swiss

Kamis, 19 April 2012

Emile Chambon
Emile François Chambon (born 1905 in Geneva, died 1993 in Collonge-Bellerive), was a Swiss
Emile Chambon was the son of d’Emile-Joseph Chambon and Joséphine née Coppier. Three years after Émile, his mother gave birth to a daughter, Julia Mathilde Chambon, who went on to assist Émile throughout her life, following and supporting him, carefully noting in her diary the agenda and activities of her brother up until his death in October 1993.
In the autumn of 1921, Chambon entered the École des Beaux-Arts de Genève. A first federal grant was awarded to him that year and enabled him to undertake a journey to Paris. This stay allowed him to become familiar with the Cubist painters, who did not however find favour in his eyes - apart from Roger de La Fresnaye as, in his opinion, they simply imitated African art without being able to render the latter's originality. During the period from 1925 to 1928, he worked with the painter Jean-Louis Gampert, La Fresnaye's friend; he assisted him in his atelier and also in the realisation of the decor for the Corsier church (Geneva).

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